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Dear Friends,

I dedicate this page to all of you who are trying to move forward in life. I want to let you know you are not alone and I will invite special guests to share their stories and life lessons to hopefully spark something in you that it is possible to get unstuck and stay strong and positive for yourself, your kids and others.

Let’s be raw and real, something life get super challenging and it feels more like a marathon than a sprint so you have to build endurance. Yes, there will be a big ole buffet of life lessons to give you opportunities to learn to heal yourself so you can help heal others and pay it forward. Life may not get easier but you can get stronger!

I’m cheering for you, try to do the right thing even if it’s not always reciprocated at least you’ll be able to look in the mirror knowing that you did the right thing and you are a good person with integrity.

Keep Going, Keep Growing and Fall in Love with Life Again!

Hugs xo